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  • Writer's pictureBobby Stevens

Managing Complex NetSuite PDF Templates

Why External Freemarker Files are Your Friend

As a NetSuite developer, you know that Advanced PDF templates can be powerful tools. But when you start embedding large chunks of Freemarker code directly within the template, it can quickly get overwhelming. Here's a technique to streamline your development process and make your templates far more maintainable.

The Power of External Freemarker Files

  1. Separation of Concerns: One of the biggest benefits is keeping your Freemarker logic cleanly separated from your template's primary HTML/XML structure. This division makes the code easier to read, understand, and modify.

  2. Improved Maintainability: When you need to update Freemarker logic, you can modify the external .ftl file without digging through a massive template. This reduces the risk of introducing errors into the template itself.

  3. Enhanced Development Experience: Working in a dedicated Freemarker file often provides better syntax highlighting and code assistance in your chosen IDE, leading to a smoother development experience.

  4. Reusability: Freemarker macros defined in external files can be easily reused across multiple templates, promoting code consistency and reducing redundancy.

How to Use External Freemarker Files

Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Create Your Freemarker File: Open a plain text editor and create your Freemarker code. 

  2. Insert a Freemarker macro (a piece of reusable code). Here's a simple one: <#macro test> <p>Hi From Freemarker File</p> </#macro>

  3. Save the file with the .ftl extension (example: freemarkerMod.ftl).

  4. Upload to NetSuite: Upload this file to your NetSuite File Cabinet.

  5. Get the File ID: Make note of the file's internal ID within NetSuite.

  6. Import in Your Template: Add this import statement in your template header (replacing with your file's ID):<#import "123456" as myFreemarkerMod>

  7. Call Your Macros: Now you can use macros defined in your external file:<@myFreemarkerMod.test />

Final Thoughts

If you're frequently working with complex NetSuite PDF templates, the shift to using external Freemarker files might seem small, but it can have a significant positive impact on how you manage and maintain your code over time. Give it a try and see the difference it makes!

Learn More

If you are thinking about a new ERP or are looking for a partner with a track record of developing creative solutions such as this one, feel free to reach out. Equify Advisors is a NetSuite Alliance Partner and has certified experts within the ecosystem. Set some time with us to learn more on our website at


Bobby Stevens - Senior Developer, NetSuite Solutions

NetSuite Certified SuiteFoundation

NetSuite SuiteCloud Developer II


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